Ideas |
From one of our partners, see the Geometric Art from 1st Art Gallery.
I have been an
educator for about 25 years and would be the first
one to admit that public education needs a lot of help if it is to be
the ideal that we teachers (and parents) dream of...here are a few
ideas (in no particular order) for a web-based education...
1) Entire education of ages 8 to 18 via Internet/Web sites
2) Each site transmits different
classes, different age/grade, different languages;
finite number of offerings available for development by teachers nationwide
3) Divert funds now sent
to districts for classroom schools to be used to buy each
student a home computer w/phone link w/free connection/communications; their
own "USEdunet" station
4) Use existing buses as
roving classrooms where visiting teachers can assist the
students who want or need help; regional large high schools can function as
central academic and testing centers
5) Skills testing must be done in person every mid-semester; four times each school year
6) Register each term in
person after tests are graded to determine grade level;
all grading to be numerical one to 100 scale; no more letter grades; 65 score
to pass
to next level; student maybe be level 10 math but only level 7 reading etc...if
does not pass, student is not promoted. Period.
7) Unlimited online reference library
8) Turn most schools into
trades guilds, testing, and regional and special education
centers; sell other school properties to support local area school effort
9) Divert on-campus security
to neighborhood watch group, guilds, centers, and
bus/roving classroom security
10) Must finish ninth grade
in all major skills to be eligible to enter trade guild of choice;
guilds include woodworking/carpentry, metalworking, machinists, automobile mechanics,
electronics technicians, draftsmen, computer skills, masonry, and others dictated
societal needs
11) Three year trade guild apprenticeship program; participation is an earned privilege
12) Must finish twelfth grade
in all major skills to earn diploma and be eligible to enter
college or university; high school diploma must regain its meaning
13) Community college system to be retained as returner education and retraining centers
14) Internet programs will
have interactivity and chatroom classrooms will develop as
well as chatroom homework rooms
15) Lecture/Multimedia/Demonstration programs will be developed for transmission via Web
16) Experiment with redundancy of broadcast to improve efficiency and efficacy
17) Current administrators
would administrate, run testing and registration or go
back to teaching
18) Teachers would develop
multimedia net content, serve as roving school bus instructors,
serve as online classroom host teachers, serve as trade guildspeople, teach
at junior/community
college level, or function as private tutors
19) Dump dead weight "warm body teachers" via enhanced CBEST type examination
20) Support and maintenance
staff would be kept on to service trades guilds and
testing centers; staff to be hired to service computers and network
21) Head Start program expanded
until basic language skills are learned,
approximately 3-4 th grade
22) Parents would be re-educated while helping their children learn at home
23) "USEdunet"
station will be a dedicated computer system until student graduated
or finishes trade guild apprenticeship.
24) Up to three stations per home maximum; one station per 1-2 children ages 5-18, second station for 3-4 children ages 5-18, and a third station given for five or more children ages 5-18
25) Responsible parties pay for any repairs on systems
26) Athletics/Parks/Intramural/Cultural
activities and services greatly expanded
at local parks and regional education centers; participation is mandatory once
week, more optional; physical education, music and arts teachers work there
at physical training/cultural centers and at trades guilds; optional sports
at all three areas optional
27) Trade guild graduation
leads to neighborhood/nethood employment; employment
placement centers will be integrated with trade guilds; local employers to be
government-subsidized for hiring junior apprentices
28) Gifted programs available
for those students three or more years above grade level
in all general English language and mathematics disciplines
29) Highly gifted programs available for those students six or more years above grade level
30) Blind and deaf programs translated to internet presentation as well
31) Audio portions of educational
presentation offered as cassettes and each
class offered in its entirety as CD/DVDs, or whatever the prevailing technology
may be
32) Students over the age
of eighteen may register and test and use school-agers
station but must pay for one if alone or married and childless
33) Lessons and required
readings downloaded automatically at end of each class to
each home station
34) Interactive real-time,
simulation, and general educational software now available only
commercially would be made available to all students; companies producing such
would be subsidized by taxpayers
35) Parent-child orientation provided (and mandatory) with manuals etc. for USEdunet station
36) No school-age child (ages 5-16) allowed unsupervised on the streets from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.